
AGB Hotel

1. Scope of application

These GTC apply to all contracts for the rental of hotel rooms for accommodation hotel rooms for accommodation that are concluded between ‘Die Bruckmühle’ and third parties (guest) as well as for all other services and deliveries provided.

2. Reservations

By making a reservation, the guest offers the conclusion of an accommodation

accommodation contract. If the booked room is available, the guest room booked, the guest receives a confirmation of reservation from the Bruckmühle. By acceptance of the reservation made by the guest, a guest accommodation

guest accommodation contract is concluded between the Bruckmühle and the guest. Offers made by the Bruckmühle in relation to available rooms are subject to change and non-binding. The Bruckmühle may, at its own discretion, refuse to conclude a reject the conclusion of a guest accommodation contract.

There is no entitlement to use of the accommodation service in a particular room. a specific room. The Bruckmühle reserves the right to

industry-standard restrictions such as minimum stays, booking guarantees or advance paymentsdeposits for certain dates.

3. Cancellation deadlines

A reservation can be cancelled free of charge until 6 p.m. on the day of arrival, stating the reservation number can be cancelled free of charge. After 6 pm a cancellation is cancellation is excluded and the Bruckmühle retains the right to the agreed agreed remuneration. The same applies if the guest does not turn up (no show). In the case of reservations lasting several days, in the event of a no-show all subsequent nights from including the second night and the guest is not entitled to the following nights.

4. Accommodation prices and other prices The prices shown by the Bruckmühle at the time the contract is concluded apply. The applicable prices are gross total prices and include all statutory taxes, fees and charges. Not included are local taxes that are owed by the guest according to the respective municipal law, such as visitor's tax. The Bruckmühle reserves the right to adjust the prices accordingly in the event of changes to tax, fee and levy rates and the effective levying of new taxes, fees and levies previously unknown to the parties. In the case of contracts with consumers, this only applies if the period between conclusion of the contract (booking confirmation) and contract adjustment exceeds four months.

5.Terms of payment The price of the entire booked accommodation service must always be paid in advance by the guest, at the latest on arrival at the hotel. If a written assumption of costs has been provided, an invoice with a payment term of 14 days may be issued with consent. Valid means of payment are EC card, Master Card, Visa Card and American Express.

6. Use of reserved rooms Reserved rooms are available to the guest from 3.00 pm on the day of arrival and until 10.00 am on the day of departure. On request and subject to availability, a later departure (late check-out) can be agreed with the hotel in advance. If the hotel agrees to a late check-out, the hotel is entitled to charge EUR 10.00 per hour or part thereof for the additional use of the room. For departures after 3.00 p.m., the full daily room rate will be charged. There is no contractual entitlement to a late check-out.

7. Resale The resale/rental and/or subletting of booked rooms is prohibited. In particular, the resale of rooms and/or room allotments to third parties at prices higher than the actual room prices is not permitted. The assignment or sale of the claim against the Bruckmühle is also not permitted. In such cases, the Bruckmühle is entitled to cancel the booking, in particular if the guest has provided the third party with false information about the type of booking or payment when assigning or selling the claim. Use of the hotel room for purposes other than accommodation is expressly prohibited.

8. Liability of the Bruckmühle The Bruckmühle is liable for damages for which it is responsible arising from injury to life, limb or health. Furthermore, the Bruckmühle is liable for other damages that are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the Bruckmühle as well as for damages that are based on an intentional or negligent breach of typical contractual obligations. A breach of duty by Bruckmühle is equivalent to a breach of duty by its legal representatives, employees or vicarious agents. Further claims for damages are excluded, unless otherwise stipulated in these GTC. Should disruptions or defects occur in the services provided by the Bruckmühle, the Bruckmühle will endeavour to remedy the situation if it becomes aware of them or if the guest complains immediately. The guest is obliged to make reasonable efforts to remedy the disruption and minimise any possible damage. Furthermore, the guest is obliged to inform the Bruckmühle in good time of the possibility of exceptionally high damage occurring. The Bruckmühle is liable for items brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. The claim expires if the guest does not notify the Bruckmühle immediately after becoming aware of the loss, destruction or damage to the property brought in. 

8. Liability of the Bruckmühle The Bruckmühle is liable for damages for which it is responsible arising from injury to life, limb or health. Furthermore, the Bruckmühle is liable for other damages that are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the Bruckmühle as well as for damages that are based on an intentional or negligent breach of typical contractual obligations. A breach of duty by Bruckmühle is equivalent to a breach of duty by its legal representatives, employees or vicarious agents. Further claims for damages are excluded, unless otherwise stipulated in these GTC. Should disruptions or defects occur in the services provided by the Bruckmühle, the Bruckmühle will endeavour to remedy the situation if it becomes aware of them or if the guest complains immediately. The guest is obliged to make reasonable efforts to remedy the disruption and minimise any possible damage. Furthermore, the guest is obliged to inform the Bruckmühle in good time of the possibility of exceptionally high damage occurring. The Bruckmühle is liable for items brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. The claim expires if the guest does not notify the Bruckmühle immediately after becoming aware of the loss, destruction or damage to the property brought in. 

If the guest wishes to bring money, securities and valuables with a value of more than EUR 800 or other items with a value of more than EUR 3,500 into the hotel, this requires a separate written agreement with the Bruckmühle. If the guest is provided with a parking space in the car park, even for a fee, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement. The Bruckmühle is not obliged to monitor the car park. The Bruckmühle is liable for all damage within the scope of the provisions set out in this Section 8. The guest is obliged to report any damage immediately, in any case before leaving the car park. The Bruckmühle is not liable for damage for which other tenants or other third parties are solely responsible. All claims against the Bruckmühle are generally subject to a limitation period of one year from the start of the statutory limitation period. This does not apply to claims for damages or other claims arising from injury to life, limb or health and/or due to a grossly negligent or wilful breach of duty by the Bruckmühle.

9. Termination of the guest accommodation contract The Bruckmühle is entitled to terminate the guest accommodation contract for good cause. Good cause exists in particular if (i) force majeure or other circumstances for which the Bruckmühle is not responsible make it impossible to fulfil the contract, (ii) rooms or rooms are culpably booked with misleading or false information or concealment of material facts; (iii) the Bruckmühle has reasonable grounds to believe that the use of the service may jeopardise the smooth running of the business, the security or the reputation of the Bruckmühle in public, without this being attributable to the sphere of control or organisation of the Bruckmühle. organisational area of the Bruckmühle; (iv) the purpose or reason for the stay is illegal; or (v) in the event of resale/rental and/or subletting (see Section 7).

10. Food and drinks brought in It is prohibited to consume food and drinks brought in from outside in the public areas. Breakfast may only be eaten in the designated areas of the public area. The preparation of food is prohibited in rooms without a built-in kitchen.

11. Non-smoking in the hotel The Bruckmühle in Germany is a non-smoking hotel. It is therefore forbidden to smoke in the event rooms as well as in the guest rooms. In the event of non-compliance, the Bruckmühle has the right to demand an amount of EUR 50.00 from the guest as compensation for the cleaning costs to be incurred separately, including any loss of revenue from not being able to let the room as a result. This compensation amount is to be set higher or lower if the Bruckmühle can prove higher damages or the guest can prove lower damages.

12. Pets Pets are not allowed in the Bruckmühle. Exceptions to this rule are guide dogs, deaf dogs and other comparable service dogs. These may be brought along free of charge and at any time.

13. Final provisions Amendments and additions to the guest accommodation contract or the General Terms and Conditions must be made in writing. Unilateral amendments or additions by the guest are invalid. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising between the parties from the contractual relationship is Wolfratshausen, insofar as the guest is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law. In all other cases, Wolfratshausen shall be the place of jurisdiction if the requirements of Section 38 (2) ZPO are met and the guest has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany. German law shall apply. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.

The Bruckmühle | Mühlthal 3 | D-83626 Valley | info@huber-schmankerl.de